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Trace elements



Our body is a complex biological system where thousands of chemical and biochemical reactions occur at all levels of its functioning. The process of our life activity, our emotions, our feelings, and desires are all based on the interaction of chemical substances. 


Of course, complex reactions occur in the body based on very complex molecular compounds, but all these complex substances are made up of small building blocks - simple chemical substances.


In the human body, 81 chemical elements of the periodic table have been discovered. Their content does not exceed 1%, but without them, the body cannot function. The vast majority of important life processes occur with the participation of microelements. If we consider the heart, whose beating we undoubtedly associate with life, the frequency, rhythm, and order of its chambers' contractions directly depend on microelements such as “K” (Potassium), “Na” (Sodium), and “Ca” (Calcium). The absence of these elements in the heart's cycle would lead to its stoppage. Similar processes occur in every part of our body, and not only these microelements participate in the complex processes of maintaining life. That is why it is so important to ensure that our body receives all the necessary chemical elements for its full and healthy functioning.


Generally, we do not think about where to get the necessary chemical composition. Our body gets what it needs from the external environment, mainly through food and water. Everything we consume, directly or through a complex food chain, is enriched with microelements from the mineral composition of our planet. But with the development of technology and increased consumption, we are increasingly consuming food products grown without soil or on artificial feeds, and almost everywhere chemical fertilizers are used. Naturally, under such conditions, our body experiences an acute deficiency of microelements.


Our goal is to be healthy, active, and full of vitality until old age, and therefore we have developed a special active supplement "Microelements Molecule" containing as many as 20 microelements, in the best bioavailable chelate form. This form has the highest bioavailability.


Understanding the biochemical processes of our body, we have prepared the following composition:


- Sulfur: 19800 mg/l

- Iodine: 80 mg/l

- Aluminum: 0.9 mg/l


- Manganese: 1600 mg/l

- Lithium: 24 mg/l

- Iron: 3200 mg/l


- Molybdenum: 102 mg/l

- Bromine: 6 mg/l

- Copper: 320 mg/l


- Vanadium: 24 mg/l

- Sodium: 4800 mg/l

- Nickel: 20 mg/l


- Tungsten: 8 mg/l

- Zinc: 360 mg/l

- Selenium: 10 mg/l


- Magnesium: 15000 mg/l

- Cobalt: 48 mg/l

- Rubidium: 0.24 mg/l


- Boron: 1200 mg/l

- Chromium: 22 mg/l


The elements of the collection are presented in a special compound of minerals with an amino acid that does not require additional biochemical transformations, as they are already prepared for absorption by the body.


**The Danger of Microelement Deficiency**


A slight deficiency of microelements rarely leads to serious health consequences, but a prolonged lack of beneficial elements in the diet can lead to deteriorating health. Suspect a deficiency if you experience increased fatigue, concentration problems, brittle nails, hair loss, dry skin, poor wound healing, and frequent colds.


The composition and ratio of "Microelements Molecule" are selected using a special methodology that allows for effective, safe, and gentle impact on the body, ensuring the flawless functioning of its complex systems. The dosage is calculated to cover the deficiency of microelements when taking a dosed vial twice a year. We recommend the autumn and spring periods.




**How to Take:**


Add 12 drops of the microelement product to ½ glass of drinking water. Take at any time, regardless of food. Separately from iodine and fulvic acid products. The most convenient time to take is in the evening.

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